November 19, 2014


Edmundston (NB) – After the 17 days of celebration, reflection and meetings of the 5th Congrès mondial acadien, the time has come to show our first review and to express our sincere gratitude. Acadia of the world responded to the invitation from the 50 municipalities of Acadia of the Lands and Forests from August 8 to 24 – the CMA organizers couldn't be happier with the turnout.

"Thanks to the thousands of volunteers that have been passionately working for years, to the financial partners, and to the fantastic team, we can proudly say loud and clear that the Congrès mondial acadien 2014 was a true collaborative success!", said Mr. Émilien Nadeau, President of the CMA 2014
Whether it was for the 120 family gatherings, the 400 community activities and projects, the 3 great gatherings, the 7 symposiums and conferences, the Economic Summit or the 3 major events, there were thousands of visitors that came and discovered the new energy of the host territory, Acadia of the Lands and Forests.
"We are very happy to have welcomed as many people during the celebrations, but we are especially delighted to see the collaboration spirit between the communities of Acadia of the Lands and Forests which stemmed from the Congress. I would like to thank the local communities for their commitment and the Acadia of the world for coming in such large numbers to the CMA 2014", shared Mr. Léo Paul Charest, Executive Director of the CMA 2014.

The organizing committee of the Congrès mondial acadien would like to thank all of the people who contributed during the past years, the more than 5 000 field volunteers, the government and private partners, and the team of employees for their unconditional involvement and dedication.

Many indicators already demonstrate the success of this 5th Congrès mondial acadien. The following numbers speak for themselves.
• Opening ceremony and concert in Edmundston, NB: 8 000 people;
• Tintamarre, Acadian National Holiday ceremony and concert in Madawaska, ME: 12 000 people;
• New Beginning Ceremonies and concert in Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac, QC: 8 000 people;
• 20 000 participants at the family gatherings;
• More than 800 artists on the different CMA stages and more than 100 experts;
• More than 2 000 participants at the symposiums and conferences as well as the great gatherings;
• 45 leaders who commit to ensure the lasting legacy of the Congress through economic development;
• 50 000 visitors and 500 000 entrances during the 17 days of festivities.
- 30 -
To request more information or an interview:
France Le Moignan – Communications Coordinator - CMA 2014 ; Phone: (506) 737-2014 ext. 5436

June 22, 2014



Since our last contact (5 months ago), the big news is the forthcoming World Acadian Congress of 2014, which will be held at the borders of the state of Maine and the provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec. If you want more informations on that event in two years, you can check their web site:
I will attend the 2014 WAC and be able to meet all those who will come to the "Bro" reunion and will be able to give some genealogy workshops at least on the 18th (LA Day) and surely also during the "Bro" reunion. The "Bro" family reunion will be on August 17th - hope to see you all there !

BOOKS        If people are interested in buying either one of the three genealogy books "A Breau genealogy" at the World Acadian Congress, i'll be selling them at a special price of 50$ (rather than 60$) since I won't have to send them by mail. So, if you are attending the WAC2014 and wish to have a copy of the genealogy books, just tell me what volume you want and i'll bring them along with me (i'll be there between August 14th and 21st)

Au revoir,


Ceci est mon message de vérification semi-annuelle d'adresse de courrier électronique de tous mes contacts au fil des années. J'envoie ce courriél afin de vérifier si votre adresse de courriél est toujours valide (si ce n'est plus le cas, ce courriél devrait rebondir).

Si vous préférez que j'utilise une autre adresse de courrier électronique pour vous contacter, sentez-vous bien libre de me l'indiquer, sinon je continuerai à utiliser celle-ci.

Depuis notre dernier contact (il y a 5 mois), la grande nouvelle est la venue du prochain Congrès Mondial Acadien en 2014, qui se tiendra aux frontières de l'état du Maine et des provinces du Nouveau-Brunswick et du Québec. Si vous désirez plus d'informations sur cet événement à venir dans 2 ans, vous pouvez accéder à leur site internet au:
Je participerai au CMA2014 afin de pouvoir rencontrer les participants à la réunion des "Bro" et j'offrirai des ateliers de généalogie au moins le 18 août (Journée de la Louisiane) et sûrement durant la réunion des "Bro" (17 août). La réunion de la famille "Bro" aura lieu le 17 août prochain - j'espère vous y voir tous !

LIVRES        Si des personnes étaient intéressées à acheter l'un ou l'autre des trois volumes de généalogie "Une généalogie Breau" au Congrès Mondial Acadien, je les vendrai au prix spécial de 50$ (au lieu de 60$) puisque je n'aurai pas besoin de vous l'envoyer par la poste. Alors si vous participer au CMA 2014 et que vous désirez une copie d'un des volumes de généalogie, indiquez-moi quel volume vous désirez avoir et je les apporterai avec moi (je serai sur place entre le 14 et le 21 août)

Au revoir,

                                  (   O   )

        Robert Brault
        Animateur de vie spirituelle et d'engagement communautaire
        Communauté éducative de Terrebonne
        Commission Scolaire des Affluents
        (450) 492-3619 poste 1931

April 24, 2014


Please join us Sunday afternoon April 27 at 2 p.m. for the film The Story of the Cajuns.  The film will be shown on the 2nd floor in the conference room.

Elaine Clément

 Acadian Memorial
121 S New Market St.
P.O. Box 379
St. Martinville, LA 70582
(337)394-2260 fax

April 21, 2014


Cajuns from all walks of life — from cattlemen and shrimpers, to scholars and artists — tell the tales of their ancestors, painting a picture of Acadian history in a new documentary, “The Story of the Cajuns Part I.”

The documentary is the work of filmmaker Brenda Jepson, a native of Maine, who said the film has its roots in her intrigue about why she grew up surrounded by Thibodeauxs, Robichauds and other surnames so closely tied to Cajun culture.

Maine, she said, was one of the earliest French settlements in the New World.
“This is the first place the Acadians settled in 1604,” Jepson said. “They were here before Jamestown, before the Pilgrims. They were master farmers and builders hand-picked to help settle North America.”

Jepson said she learned about the early settlements while working on a previous film, “The Story of the Acadians,” with her husband, Alan Jepson.

“The Story of the Acadians,” which came out in 2006, describes how the agrarian settlers got caught between two of what were then the world’s strongest powers, France and Great Britain, in a struggle to gain control of North America.

The British forcefully removed the Acadians from Nova Scotia in the mid-1700s, and many found themselves in Louisiana.

Jepson said this is where “The Story of the Cajuns” picks up.
“That’s where it takes off, with the Cajuns,” she said. “What happened after the expulsion?

March 30, 2014


The Mi’gmaq/Mi’kmaq  Talking Dictionary Project is developing an Internet resource for the Mi’gmaq/Mi’kmaq language.  You can take a look here.

I am particularly fond of the Songs.  Native history is important to preserve, including the stories.  Take a look at that section as well.  Traditional culture is historically conveyed through stories.

Each headword is recorded by a minimum of three speakers. Multiple speakers allow one to hear differences and variations in how a word is pronounced. Each recorded word is used in an accompanying phrase.  This permits learners the opportunity to develop the difficult skill of distinguishing individual words when they are spoken in a phrase.

Thus far they have posted over 3500 headwords, a majority of these entries include two to three additional forms.  More will be added as they are recorded.  Words on the site are considered complete today.

March 06, 2014


Nouvelle Breaux du Monde
La Famille Breaux du Monde Association
A newsletter for all Breaux – Breau– Brault – Breault – Braud –Brot – Brow – Brough March, 2014
Email: Facebook Group: Breaux du Monde
“I am Cajun … and
'Cajun and Proud' license plates support French
education scholarship program
Late last year State Senator Fred Mills (R-New
Iberia) and State Representative Mike Huval (R-Breaux
Bridge) unveiled this special license plate in order that we
might show our Cajun Pride and support CODOFIL
(Council for the Development of French in Louisiana).
These special plates are available at 18
Department of Motor Vehicles offices in the Acadiana
area and at the DMV headquarters in Baton Rouge. You
do not have to wait until your license plate is up for
renewal to obtain this plate. You can go in to any one of
18 DMV offices, bring your current plate, and request the
new plate. You will purchase the regular two-year plate
with the addition of the $15 annual fee (or $30 total).
Credit will be issued for unused months already paid.
Check with your local DMV office.
“I’m a Cajun” can be printed on your
DRIVER’S LICENSE for an annual fee of $5 which also
supports CODOFIL. You can go in no sooner than six
months prior to your license’s expiration and request the
2014 to the St. Ann University in Nova Scotia. An applicant
from each CAFA family will be put in a drawing. If one of your
Breaux children/grandchildren might be interested in this
scholarship, please contact by
THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014. One Breaux family member
will be recommended for that drawing.
26 & 27, 2014: FESTIVAL
INTERNATIONAL, Downtown Lafayette, LA
Breaux and other family organizations will be at
Sciene des Jeunes.
SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2014 – Day of
SUNDAY , AUGUST 3, 2014 –
Acadian Cultural Day – Vermilionville,
300 Fisher Road, Lafayette, LA 70508, phone 337/233-
4077: HOURS: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. FREE EVENT http://
2014 EVENTS------------------
Acadian Memorial Festival
121 South New Market Street, St. Martinville: Families
being honored this year are Gravois and Babineaux.
Events are free and open to the public. For details
contact the Memorial at 337/394-2258, email, or visit their web site at

FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 2014 – National
Day of the Acadians -- Acadian Memorial -- .
Museum of the Acadian Memorial will be open and
free to the public.
121 South New Market Street, St. Martinville, LA Phone:
The Confederation of Acadian Families Association
(CAFA) is seeking applicants for a scholarship for the summer

January 09, 2014


Traditionally known as Courir de Mardi Gras, festivities occur in towns throughout central Louisiana’s Cajun Country. Rooted in French medieval history, the Courir de Mardi Gras has many rituals that come together in a celebration on Fat Tuesday. The main event in a Cajun Country Mardi Gras is the traditional courir or “run” led by the capitaine of the Mardi Gras. -

Cajun Country Mardi Gras is a must for anyone seeking authentic Louisiana. Make plans now to attend this year's festivities and participate in Courir de Mardi Gras March 4, 2014. -

Photo:  Nighttime parade in Lafayette, Louisiana

January 05, 2014


Cajuns were officially recognized by the U.S. government as a national ethnic group in 1980 per a discrimination lawsuit filed in federal district court. Presided over by Judge Edwin Hunter, the case, known as Roach v. Dresser Industries Valve and Instrument Division (494 F.Supp. 215, D.C. La., 1980), hinged on the issue of the Cajuns' ethnicity. Significantly, Judge Hunter held in his ruling that:"We conclude that plaintiff is protected by Title VII's ban on national origin discrimination.

The Louisiana Acadian (Cajun) is alive and well. He is “up front” and “main stream.” He is not asking for any special treatment. By affording coverage under the “national origin” clause of Title VII he is afforded no special privilege. He is given only the same protection as those with English, Spanish, French, Iranian, Czechoslavakian, Portuguese, Polish, Mexican, Italian, Irish, et al., ancestors."

The word "Cajun" is the anglicised pronunciation of Cadien (the truncated form of Acadian in French). There is some dispute over the origin of the term Acadia; some suggest that it came from the name of the ancient Greek region of Arcadia; others suggest that it is a derivation of the Mikmaq Indian word cadique, meaning "a good place to set up camp."

January 02, 2014


In old Quebec the paternal blessing was one of the most moving times of  the New Year.
It reaffirmed the father’s authority and preceded the mass which
the entire family attended before going to share a meal with the grand-parents.
It was a significant gathering at which the following prayer was generally

May God bless you and
grant you health and  happiness
throughout the coming year,
in the name of the Father,
the Son  and the Holy Spirit. Amen.