August 15, 2007


In 1884 in Burnswick, Canada the Acadian people adopted "Our Lady Of The Assumption" as the patroness of the Acadian people' this was ratifed by Pope Pius X.

August 15 is celebrated as her feast day. The song "Ave Maria " was picked as the Acadian National Hymn.

A flag was adopted with the French tricolor to which a yellow star was added in the blue field. The star represents "Our Lady Of The Assumption."

August 11, 2007


On 8/11/07, Paul LeBlanc wrote:

The Historic New Orleans Collect on line store is up for the first time since the storm. A little pricey for me but some of the maps looked interesting

August 10, 2007


Bonjour to all,

This is my semestrial email (January and July ... well this one is late hee hee hee) checkup to see if my genealogy correspondants email's are still good. You need do nothing as invalid emails will bounce back to me, so i'll know your email is no longer good ... unfortunately I won't know if you have a new valid email.

There is one of you who is planning a trip to France in 2008 as a prelude to the big acadian/cajun gathering in the summer of 2009 in New Brunswick. Check the World Acadian Congress 2009 web site to find the details: a Breau reunion is planned and a preliminary program is out.

Here's the info for the 2008 France trip extracted from the email of Gayle Breaux: Regarding FRANCE.
John and I are planning on a trip to France in 2008 as a pre-trip to the 2009 family reunion in New Brunswick. Do you think others of the Brault/Breau family would be interested in such a trip?????? It would be great to have a gathering in the church where they think Vincent might have been baptisted. Do you have an email group that you could "spread the word" and see if there is interest???? What do you think? If anyone is interested, you can reach Gayle and John at

Ceci est mon courriél semestriel (janvier et juillet ... ohhhh celui-ci est en retard hi hi hi) pour vérifier si vos adresses de courriéls sont toujours valides. Vous n'avez pas besoin de rien faire car les adresses invalides vont "rebondir" et je saurai que votre adresse de courriél n'est plus bonne ... malheureusement j'ignorerai si vous avez une nouvelle adresse de courriélvalide.

Il y a quelqu'un parmi vous qui est à planifier un voyage en France en 2008 comme prélude à la grande rencontre acadienne/cajun de l'été 2009 au Nouveau-Brunswick. Voir le site internet du Congrès Mondial Acadien 2009 pour les détails: une réunion de famille Breau est prévue et un programme préliminaire est déjà sorti:

Voici l'information sur le voyage en France en 2008 de Gayle Breaux au cas où ça pourrait vous intéresser (en anglais seulement) en extrait de son message de courriélSi ça vous intéresse, vous pouvez rejoindre Gayle et John à:

Au revoir,

(-o-o-) ( O )> _________oOOo______________oOOo___________


Robert Brault
Commission Scolaire des Affluents
École secondaire Armand-Corbeil incluant l'Accès-Cible
École primaire St-Louis École primaire du Vieux-Chêne