July 08, 2007


A new Acadian (also later known as French Neutrals, & Cajuns) mailing list on rootsweb is available. For details see below the welcome members will receive.

Please share this with any individual who you think may be interested. You may also send it to the list-mom/dad of any list/board & ask them to post or give permission for you to post. Please remember it is their decision.

To join: in LIST mode send mail to ACADIAN-L-request@rootsweb.com with the single word subscribe in the message subject and body. To join in DIGEST mode, do the same thing with ACADIAN-D-request@rootsweb.com.

Welcome to the ACADIAN mailing list!

Dear soon to be cousin,

Welcome to the Acadian List. This list is about all descendants of the original European settlers and their Amer-Indian cousins in the Maritime Provinces of present-day Canada and the nearby coast of Maine. Families of anyone who later married into these families is also researchable. All families of the diaspora of the Grand Derangement will be addressed in this forum. It is hoped that many new connections will be made and many presently known lineages extended and verified to their origins and to the present time.

Everyone is welcome. We are joined on a mutual journey. All that is asked is respect for others, especially to have the freedom to research any related person, location, or event by any genealogical or academic method they choose. This respect would also include adherence to the International Copyright Laws and the privatization of information as required by the statutes of Canada and the United States; that is for individuals born after 1900 in Quebec and 1930 in the United States or anyone still living. The data gathered is for personal use and is not to be gathered en masse for other purposes.

Looking forward to your participation.

In fellowship,

Paul LeBlanc
List Administrator

July 07, 2007


from Stanley LeBlanc
to acadian@rootsweb.com
date Jul 7, 2007 2:45 PM

Periodically, I've seen references to the Census of September 2, 1771, but couldn't find any lists.

The mystery has been solved. Governor O'Reilly ordered a census on September 14, 1769, but it wasn't completed until 1771 [this would explain some differences in ages between the 1766 and 1769 census]

The registers were compiled into a report dated September 2, 1771. This is a very interesting report because it shows that the Acadians represented a significant percentage of the total population.

The census is in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association
1945 in four volumes,
Volume II, Spain in the Mississippi Valley, 1765-1794,
Part I, The Revolutionary Period, 1765 - 1781, edited by Lawrence Kinnaird, p. 196.
I've created a pdf file that is linked from my Arrival of the Acadians page at the url below. The direct url is also provided.

Stanley LeBlanc



To subscribe to the list, please send an email to ACADIAN-request@rootsweb.com with the word 'subscribe' without the quotes in the subject and the body of the message. You will receive a confirmation e-mail to try & stop "machine" enrollment spam. Give it the "Name" you would like us to call you.

July 06, 2007


Thanks to Joe and Aggie Collinson for the following link to the online Acadian-Cajun & French-Canadian Online Boutique: http://www.cafepress.com/acadstore/819789

"This is not the official site for the Congress but it is an interesting boutique for material. Just look up your last name of interest, using the spelling that you use, and you should find a bunch of items for sale."

I met Joe and Aggie at the Mass and Breaux Family Reunion in Louisiana.
They rode to Breaux Bridge from Sherwood Park, Alberta, on a motorcycle!
Joe says that the same group is planning on being in New Brunswick in 2009 (GBW).

You can see photos from that Reunion at http://labauve.tripod.com/grid13.html

July 02, 2007


This is my song, O God of all the nations,
a song of peace for lands afar and mine;
this is my home, the country where my heart is;
here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine:
but other hearts in other lands are beating
with hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

My country's skies are bluer than the ocean,
and sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine;
but other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
and skies are everywhere as blue as mine:
O hear my song, thou God of all the nations,
a song of peace for their land and for mine.

This is my prayer, O Lord of all earth's kingdoms,
thy kingdom come, on earth, thy will be done;
let Christ be lifted up 'til all shall serve him,
and hearts united, learn to live as one:
O hear my prayer, thou God of all the nations,
myself I give thee -- let thy will be done.

Jean Sibelius (1899)