June 12, 2007


There should be no connection between LaBarre and LaBauve, unless you expect something through wedding.

LaBauve in fact comes from the French name de la Bauve which, as far as I have been informed, was probably a Feudal land named Bauve. The land lord was the Seigneur de la Bauve. When came the revolution, the de la Bauve would have left France and some dropped the "de" from their name and the la Bauve changed into LaBauve to escape the revolution attacks to the "Nobles"

In 1510, one of the de la Bauve was granted by the King for services to the crown, the land of Arifat and thus Nicolas de La bauve became Earl of Arifat. I am descendant of this branch whose elder son went to Mauritius and remained during the revolution.There are now a good lot of de LaBauve or de Labauve d'Arifat living in Mauritius.

On the other hand LaBarre which in France is also Labarre is a more common name as Labaume, Leroy, Dupont, Duval, Deschiens etc...

I am staying some days in Mauritius to prepare our move from Brazil.

All the best from Jean de Labauve d'Arifat

June 08, 2007



Godfrey/LaBauve Family Reunion will be on July 21, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. Please pass on the following information to your family members. We will do something simple as far as the food and we will have plenty fun and games for adult and children. This year we are concentrating on fellowshipping with one another. I would like for everyone to really get to know their relatives.

The cost will be $5.00 for adults. No prices for children this year. You can pay at the park. If you are staying through Sunday, I invite you to my church in League City, Texas, where I Pastor. The name is True Living Word Christian Church. I will furnish direction if you are interested.

Please RSVP if you are attending and tell family members to do the same. My telephone number is 713-894-6700 (cell) or 281-334-7018 (home). They can response to my e-mail address too, both at work and at home. pcaballero@sntg.com (work)caballeropatrick@hotmail.com (home)

Name of Place: White's Park

Date & Time: July 21, 2007, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Directions: From Houston Travel I-10 East to Beaumont, Exit 812 in Hankamer, stay on the feeder road until you get to the stop sign. Take right at the stop sign and White's Park is on your right approximately one city block.

Be Bless,

Dr. Patrick W. Caballero